Not everyone works in a traditional office, workspaces come in all shapes and sizes.

Business is transacted every day in coffee shops, on handhelds and even inĀ  cars. Wherever you perform your transactions, you need to stay organized.

Every time you touch a receipt a second time it’s costing you money. Learning to stay ahead of your administrative tasks is a honed skill vital to understanding your cash flow and financial position.

Business owners are always racing against the clock. They can’t put off serving clients, managing inventory, overseeing staff and planning ahead. Instead, they set aside their record keeping duties until tomorrow, but then tomorrow becomes next week, next month, next quarter. Suddenly the paperwork is so far behind it’s overwhelming. It becomes impossible to comply with Government requirements and deadlines are missed. Worse than that, the owner has lost sight of their financial position.

Whether you handle the paperwork yourself, have an in-house administrator or outsource the process, there still needs to be a flow in place. Niche can provide you with the tools needed to keep your back-office running efficiently and seamlessly while you concentrate on carving your Niche!